Spell to Make Someone Obsessed With You

Wiki Article

Love is a powerful force that has fascinated humanity since time immemorial. The desire to be loved and to love someone deeply is something many individuals seek. While we cannot force someone to love us against their will, there are spell to make someone obsessed with you that can potentially amplify the existing feelings between two people. In this article, we will explore a spell that aims to deepen the connection with someone you care about. It is essential to approach such spells with caution and respect for the free will of others.

Before we delve into the spell, it's crucial to understand that spells should never be used to manipulate or harm others. Love spells should be cast with pure intentions, focusing on nurturing and strengthening the existing bond between two individuals. It is essential to remember that consent and mutual respect are the foundation of any healthy relationship.

Spells to Make Someone Obsessed With You

  • Preparation

To perform this spell, gather the following items:

  1. A pink candle

  2. A small piece of parchment paper

  3. A red pen

  4. A small, heat-resistant container

  5. Rose petals or rose water

  6. Your own personal item, such as a piece of jewelry or a photograph

Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can perform the spell to make someone obsessed with you without interruption. Light the pink candle and create a serene atmosphere. You may choose to play soft, soothing music or light some incense to further enhance the ambiance.

  • Writing Your Intentions

On the piece of parchment paper, write the name of the person you wish to deepen your connection with, using the red pen. As you write their name, visualize the qualities you appreciate about them and the love you feel. It is crucial to focus on positive emotions and intentions.

  • Channeling Your Energy

Hold the parchment paper in your hands and close your eyes when casting spell to make someone obsessed with you. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize a bright, loving energy surrounding both you and the person you desire to deepen your connection with. Envision this energy growing stronger, nurturing the bond between you. Allow yourself to feel the love and affection you wish to share.

  • Burning the Parchment

Carefully place the parchment paper into the heat-resistant container and light it with the flame from the pink candle. As it burns, visualize your intentions being released into the universe, reaching the person you care about. Focus on the positive emotions you want to cultivate between the two of you.

  • Enhancing the Spell

After the parchment has completely burned, collect the ashes and sprinkle them over the rose petals or mix them with rose water. If you're using rose water, you can lightly spray it on the personal item you've chosen for spell to make someone obsessed with you.

  • Strengthening the Connection

Keep the personal item in a safe and sacred place, such as a jewelry box or an altar. Whenever you wish to enhance the connection between you and the person you desire, hold the item in your hands and visualize the loving energy flowing between you. This can serve as a reminder of the bond you share and help foster a deeper connection.


Love spells can be a way to focus our intentions and strengthen existing connections. However, it is crucial to approach such spells with respect, honesty, and consent. The spell to make someone obsessed with you discussed in this article aims to nurture and deepen the bond between two individuals, emphasizing love and affection. Remember, a healthy relationship is built on mutual trust, communication, and understanding. Use this spell as a tool to amplify and foster those qualities, always keeping the best interests of both parties in mind.

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